Heres some of our frequently asked questions!


'Is your granola gluten free?'

There are no gluten containing ingredients in our granola. However, we have to say that there may be trace due to the risk of contamination further up the oats supply chain as the same factories also handle wheat and barley. Feedback generally is that those who are gluten intolerant can handle it however I would advise anyone who is diagnosed as coeliac to avoid altogether. We would love to eventually make all of our range gluten free, however the cost of gluten free oats as well as getting the recipe gluten free certified is an expense that we cant currently justify.


'Does your granola contain nuts?'

All of our flavours bar 'The Base' currently contain nuts. However we must make you aware that The Base is handled in our same kitchen which also prepares the nut based granolas therefore those with allergies should be mindful of this. We dont have any future plans to become a completely nut free business but when we do have a factory one day this is something that we can minimise the risk of further!


'When does your granola expire?'

All of our granolas currently have a four month from bake best before date. This timeframe was stipulated through or our own tests and experiments and comparison against similar brands, in collaboration with our environmental health officer and official advice. We anticipate that should they be laboratory tested (also very expensive) the results would probably find that they do last much longer than this. The ingredients used in our granola are all ambient stable (low risk) therefore the date is associated with quality and freshness as opposed to a health and safety risk. 


'Its been left open/past best before/gone a bit stale. Can I revive it?'

Absolutely! Pop your granola in the oven or air fryer on a low heat to crispen things back up. Good as new :)


'Why is your granola more expensive than supermarket granola?'

Good question. Firstly we are a small business, not a big chain, so are buying our ingredients in much much smaller quantities. Supermarkets get a much bigger discount as they're buying it in mass bulk. Secondly, we use a higher proportion of nuts/seeds/dried fruit/chocolate chips than supermarket brands, all which are more expensive than oats. Thirdly, we don't use refined sugar, only honey or agave syrup. If we used sugar, our prices would be much lower, but the product wouldn't be what we want it to be! Fourthly, we are a one man band, making our granola by hand, including stickering the pouches, labelling them, filling them, packaging and posting them. We don't have the means or capacity to churn thousands of kilos out a week and therefore there is a limit to how much we can make at any given time. And finally (although there are many other reasons), you probably wouldn't believe the price of the packaging we use! Stickers and pouches cost almost as much as the ingredients. So the next time you think 'I could make this at home', remember that. We use premium quality fully recyclable food grade packaging that looks aesthetic in your kitchen and is less harmful to the planet than the plastic ones you buy at the supermarket. 


'Does your granola contain sugar?'

Our granola only uses either honey or agave syrup, therefore it is refined sugar free. However, there are naturally occurring sugars in both of these, in addition to chocolate chips and dried fruit. We recently adapted our recipe to include 50% less honey and are proud to say that all of our flavours now contain 5g of sugar or less per 50g portion.


'How many calories are in your granola?'

Each of our granola flavours differs calorie wise but as a summary, the least calorific is The Base at 209kcal per 50g portion, surprisingly followed by Chocolate Special at 229kcal, then OG at 239kcal and perhaps even more surprisingly, the vena at 257kcal! But overall, you can see its much of a muchness and still either lower than or on par with shop bought granolas. It is also worth noting that calorific value does not translate to nutritional value, as the more calorific ingredients such as nuts are full of healthy fats which are an essential part of our macros! Our chocolate vs vegan is a perfect example of this - whilst the dark chocolate chips are lower in calories than for example sultanas, they have less nutritional value. Similarly, vegan options are often assumed to be healthier, but in this instance contain the most calories due to using agave syrup instead of honey. 


'Is your granola nutritional?'

Yes! Our granolas are very nutritionally dense due to particularly the nut and seed content but there are also nutritional benefits to oats, honey, and dried fruit. 


'How much is a portion size?'

Supermarket granolas tend to recommend a serving of 45g but we go with 50g because we like round numbers and don't want to be stingy. This is worth baring in mind also when comparing calories! You can of course have as little or as much as you want, we won't judge! When eaten with yoghurt and/or fruit we tend to find this is more than enough as a complete meal. 


'How much protein does your granola contain?'

Again, each flavour is different, but as an overview - The Base contains the least at 5g, then The OG and Chocolate Special are on par at 6g and the vegan tops them all with 7g. All of these are per 50g serving. Pair with Greek or skyr yoghurt and some extra nuts or seeds and you'll be smashing your gains!


'What about fibre?'

The Base and Chocolate Special come out bottom for this per 50g serving, both at 3g. This is followed jointly by The Vegan and The OG a 4g each. 


'How do I eat your granola?'

You can eat our granola in all manner of ways. Think of it as a breakfast cereal, but much more nutritious, filling and without all that refined sugar. Our favourite way to enjoy is with cold yoghurt and fresh fruit but you can eat it with milk/mylk alternatives, stewed fruit/compote, as a smoothie bowl topper, or in baking such as crumbles! Our customers (and us) have also been known to eat the granola clusters straight out of the bag, its that good ;)